Upcoming Events

Spring and fall we head to the races. We follow the National Steeplechase races along the eastern seaboard. We have a loyal following for our shoes and belts. We also attend many of the higher level Horse Trials or as some say 3 Day Events. We love horses, fresh air and the weekend travel to various venues.




We can often will be found Brooklyn Flea Markets. These NYC markets provide a broad client base of hipsters, artists, tech guys, finance professionals as well as tourists. These are our test markets.These markets are usually fro April until October.

 We also attend the Brimfield Market, which is held three times a year, May, July & September in Brimfield, Mass. https://thebrimfieldshow.com/  This show is a destination for antique dealers, interior design professionals, collectors and bargain hunters of every ilk.  In the winter we attend Scott Antique market in Atlanta https://www.scottantiquemarket.com/

We have found a broad following at Polo events we will do pop up at Newport Polo [,http://www.nptpolo.com/ ] Fairfield Hunt Club                                                 [ https://www.huntclubonline.org/ ] , Squadron A [ http://squadrona.org/ ] and Gold's Dragoon [http://goldsdragoons.com/index.html ].

 We also attend Steeplechase events like the Far Hills Races in New Jersey, https://farhillsrace.org/ as well as others across the southern circuit. In addition, we attend Eventing [Three Day Events]  in several locations, https://plantationfield.com/ , Millbrook Horse Trials https://www.millbrookhorsetrials.com/ and our favorite Sporting Days Farm in Aiken, SC. https://www.sportingdaysfarm.com/

We welcome invitations for new venues and events. We are seeking venues in Florida and the Carolinas for the winter.  We can be reached at
